Our Thoughts on the Biden Administration Expansion of Title 42
We are saddened and frustrated by the Biden Administration decision to expand the use of Title 42. This recent announcement places limits on the number of people who can seek asylum in the United States, and prohibits some immigrants from seeking their right to asylum at the U.S. border. The [...]
Special Immigrant Juvenile.
For many of us, these three words don’t hold much meaning. But for several of KIAC’s clients, Special Immigrant Juvenile status is the difference between remaining safely in the United States and being sent back into situations of abuse and neglect. Larry, KIAC’s Director of Legal Services, is working with [...]
KIAC’s Holiday Event … A Huge Success!
What a FUN, FAMILY, HOLIDAY EVENT we had here at KIAC on Saturday, December 10! You, our supporters, donated slippers, craft items, blankets, books, jackets, toys and MORE to fill over 200 holiday bundles! We had 86 families come through KIAC on Saturday, December 10. There were homemade cookies, champurrado, [...]
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